Hello there - Fer here.
I'm very excited to start this blog and share with you all a few things here and there that I learned about painting.
One of the definitions I like the most about being an expert, is the following:
"An expert, is someone who had made all possible errors".
Am I an expert? Certainly not.
But in this blog, I will be sharing many of the mistakes I've done. My hope is that it provides some guidance or clarity for you on what to do to avoid those.
Like many things in life, you can learn all the theory in the world, but you need to eventually make the mistake to really understand how to prevent it in the future. That has to sink deep in you.
And that takes time, I'm not going to lie.
That is why is imperative you approach painting with a 4 year old child's mind.
Think about it for a second: A little kid does not think about what can go wrong before he starts playing. He just goes and play, fearless of the mistakes he make or the consequences. That freshness, is what is required to enjoy the process, loose yourself and have fun.
Keep going.